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Two sworn enemies try to kill each other with bad movies.

Jun 10, 2016

With Cami out of town for work, Rosa's sibling Axe steps in to help come to grips with acclaimed Danny DeVito biopic My Little Pony: The Movie. Together we tackle the tough questions. Who is Danny DeVito? Did you know Danny DeVito owned a restaurant? What does Danny DeVito sound like? Why can't we stop saying Danny DeVito?

highlights: Danny DeVito, Danny DeVitho, a lot of really bad horses, the happiest abomination on earth, a lot of snickering about vaginas, and a twist ending (starring Danny DeVito)

Movie: My Little Pony: The Movie (1986)

Director: Mike Joens (as Michael Joens, don't get it twisted)

Rating: like getting the junk food of junk food, eating the box, doing a bunch of jumping jacks, staring at yourself in the mirror and then being asked how you feel

Horrible guest: Axe (

Our horrible tumblr:

intro and outro music: "Everyone in Town Wants You Dead" by Singing Sadie